Every couple desires to have a family.  They dream of family dinners, helping in their children’s school activities, and lengthy family vacations.  As soon to be mothers, you should have at least an idea or plans on how to go on with the process.The next chapters of your life will be challenging but rewarding.  Part of events that you have to manage is how to get pregnant.  This article aims to provide several tips to women trying to get pregnant.

Couples perform bedroom rituals that are necessary to get pregnant.  This does not always lead to pregnancy.  This could be frustrating at times.  It is very important that you have the proper knowledge of your body and your partner’s to be successfully pregnant.  The do’s and dont’s on how to get pregnantare easy instructions that are often taken for granted due to other commitments.

Knowing when you ovulate is the key to conception.  Women who have normal 28 day cycle need to count 14 days from the first day of their monthly period to figure out the day of ovulation.  This is the time when you are most fertile.  For women who have irregular cycle, they may use an ovulation kit to know their ovulation period.

Ovulation kits are designed to detect the levels of luteinizing hormone in the urine.  LH or luteinizing hormone is a hormone that signals the ovaries to release an egg.  The hormone levels will start to surge 36 hours before your ovulation.  The kits only detect this 24 hour priorto the surge.  If you have a normal 28 day cycle, it is recommended to test your urine nine to ten days after the start of your period so that you will not miss the surge.

Another common way in figuring out your ovulation period is by measuring your basal body temperature.  According to experts, your temperature dips by a half degree one day before your ovulation.  It will then increase as you ovulate.  Body temperature is also affected by factors such as illness making this method unreliable use solely.  It advised to incorporate basal body temperature with other methods to have a more accurate result.

(Find out how to accurately know your pregnancy on this page.)

With basic knowledge of your cycle, you can now find the perfect time for you to have sex.  According to experts, pregnancy rates are at the highest two days before ovulation.  This tells you that once you detect the hormonal surge, it is encouraged to have sex that day and the following days.

Another point to remember in your attempts to get pregnant is that you have to keep sex fun.  Couples often view sex as another task in their to-do list.  It is also advised to get rid of habits or conditions that could interfere with conception. 

Now that you are on your way to pregnancy, your road towards a big happy family does not end there.  You will step into several more chapters of your life which includes being a loving wife and caring mother.

Recently, there have been several methods on how to conceive a girl being introduced to the public. Some of them are effective while some of them are not. It may be too early to assume that all of those methods are effective; given the fact that there are still plenty of studies and research that needs to be done. Nonetheless, studies have shown that there are certain factors that could possibly affect the gender of a baby while it’s being conceived.

Here are some of the factors that could affect the baby’s gender:

Time of Sexual Contact 
The time you had sexual contact with your partner holds an important factor that could affect the gender of the baby being conceive. The time when the woman ovulates is the right time to do intercourse if you want to conceive a baby boy. And if you want to conceive a girl then it’s advisable to have intercourse 3 to two days prior to ovulation.

Studies have shown that X sperm lives longer and compared to Y sperm. The Y sperm is the one responsible for conceiving a baby boy and X sperm is responsible for producing girl babies. So, if you’re planning to conceive a baby boy then it would best doing the intercourse when the woman is ovulating. You may also want to know how to check if the woman is ovulating so that you can precisely time your intercourse on the exact date she is ovulating. (Check this article for more.)

The type of food a woman eats is also a factor that affects the gender of the baby being conceive. The pH level of the woman's vagina may affect the motility of the sperm. X sperms need more acidic pH level while Y sperms needs alkali fluids to live longer.

If you’re planning to conceive a boy then it’s advisable that the woman eat foods that are rich in potassium and sodium. She should eat this kind of food regularly so that she can modify her pH level.

If you’re planning to conceive a girl then it’s best that you eat food rich in magnesium and calcium. It helps if she eats these kind of found for a longer period so that there will be a chance of achieving the desired results.

Now, you now that the food she is eating can be a contributing factor so start following the exact diet that will help you conceive the right gender you want.

Sexual Position 
Another factor that could attribute to the gender of the baby being conceived is the sexual position used in the intercourse. Naturally the Y sperm needs to reach the cervix right away. If you want to conceive a boy then it’s ideal that you use the rear entry position this is because it provides better penetration to the cervix while if you want to conceive a girl then it’s beat to use the missionary position allowing time for the X sperm to remain in motion to reach its destination.