Potty training is a frustrating job for parents.  But as responsible parents, you must give this task a shot.  It is also a vital bonding process for you and your child.  This article will supply important details such as when to start potty training and the equipments needed to start training.

Your main goal in this activity is to get rid of those diapers.  Your child will soon go to school and has to leave this baby necessity behind.  Potty training will ensure that your child will be able to take care of himself and be prepared to face his future responsibilities.

Appropriate Age for Potty Training

Opinions vary on when to start potty training.  However, a recent poll showed that children did not potty train until they are 3-1/2 to 4 years old.  There are signs that you should look out for that indicates readiness in toilet training.  These signs also must be checked in older children before starting potty training.  This includes ability to follow instructions.  With that skill, they will be able to comprehend the steps in the training.  Staying dry for more than two hours will also mean there is reduced need for diapers and may start using the potty.  If the child is uncomfortable in wearing wet diapers, he might be indicating readiness to start potty training.

Choosing the Potty for Your Child

The potty is the basic tool you will use in the training.  Experts tell that you should purchase a child-sized potty.   Aside from being portable, it is also exclusively for your toddler’s use.  You will also have a peace of mind because there is no risk of slipping.  It is also less intimidating for your child compared to using adult toilets.

A kid-size seat which can be attached to adult toilet seats is also not discouraged.  It gives a mature feeling to the toddler since he is able to do what Mommy and Daddy do.  It reduces clutters at your homes and there is no need for cleaning two separate bowls. (More news on a new method to choose a potty for your child can be read here.)

Start the Potty Training

Potty training usually takes less than a week.  With your potty ready, you should do the patty training once in the morning and once in the evening.  To start the training, allow the child to eat, drink, and play with its toys like he normally does.  Bring the child to the potty once every 15 minutes.  If you are done, clean him up and bring back his diapers.  Repeat the same steps once later in the day.  He will soon get comfortable with the potty.

After a few sessions, you can use a simple trick to encourage the child to use the potty.  You can do it by letting him get naked.  Since he has no diapers and clothing to place he pee or poop on, he will instinctively go to the potty to put it there.

After successfully undergoing the training, it is a relieving feeling to know that you have helped your baby in accomplishing an important milestone in his life.  It is not yet the time to rejoice as there are still parenting task you will encounter, but be confident that you will be able to handle the challenges to come.

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